
What Can I Help With?

Sleep plays a vital part in our physical and mental health. Not getting enough sleep can lead to various problems, like low energy, and not being able to think straight. Our mood can turn negative and we begin to suffer. 

But don’t worry I can help you get back on track with your sleep so you can wake up feeling more energetic, positive, and ready to make the most of the day. 

Let’s work together and make sure you’re getting the rest you to feel more productive, in control and happier.


Worrying can be an unhelpful habit, especially when it stops us from taking action and keeps us stuck in a cycle of doubt and fear. It steals our joy. 

Overthinking slows us down, fills us full of doubt and stops us from showing up at our best.

Learn how you can start to take control of the habit of worrying and overthinking, take action, focus on what’s most important and enjoy the present moment again.

A small amount of anxiety is good for us. It can help us feel motivated, alert, and focused so we can get the job done. However, when we experience too much anxiety for too long we can get stuck in an unhelp loop. 

We can experience symptoms such as feeling on edge, headaches, poor concentration, our hearts racing, body sweating, dizziness, palpitations, tension, and stomach aches, and we can get trapped in cycles of negative thinking,  fear and panic.

All of this can hold us back from living a satisfying, productive and enjoyable life.

Learn how to manage, reduce and overcome anxiety so you can regain a sense of control. Let me help you learn how to relax again, and live happier, more confidently and healthier.


When we experience big stressors or life-changing events such as the death of a loved one, the breakup of a relationship, loss of a job or retirement for example, feelings of depression and hopelessness can be a natural response to these situations.

We may find ourselves losing interest, feeling disconnected, and avoiding friends and social activities. We lose our enjoyment of life and stop doing the things we once loved.

It is possible to turn this around rebuild your sense of hope, and connection, and help you feel happier and excited about life again.

When you don’t feel great about yourself, everything in your life becomes harder.

When you feel good about yourself, the world seems a little brighter and life becomes easier.

Hypnotherapy can help you to relax and allows you to change the way you think about yourself and your ability to succeed. 

Learn to make yourself a priority, and discover your inner strengths and resources so you can create a more positive, confident attitude. My goal is always to help you feel good about yourself again.

Today many of us feel overloaded, both at work and in our personal lives. Busy lives and technology make it harder to switch off and make time for ourselves, our loved ones, and what’s really important to us.

We can end up feeling like we are spinning too many plates, overworked, burnt out and resentful.

You just want to do your best, feel your best and be there for the ones you love and have some fun once in a while.

Learn how to manage your daily stress levels so you can help yourself to do just that.